Content in a brochure can help the reader to learn more about a business it can be easy for a customer to take it home and act as a reminder of your product or service. Brochures are easy to hand out at an event or tradeshow and can be delivered as a paper file or even digitally.
Some customers like a hard copy and want to read information in a printed format, and some would rather have it delivered digitally. Either way, digital or print, we have the experience to make it an effective marketing tool for your product or service.
- Print Brochure Design
- Digital Brochure Design
- Tri-folds and Bi-folds
- Rack cards and Flyers
- Multi-Page Catalogs
AuthenTec designed and produced biometric fingerprint readers. This tri-fold brochure was designed for business to business and was both mailed and used at trade shows. AuthenTec was acquired by Apple Inc. for $356 million a few years back.

A very straightforward piece offering the reader a general overview of the services offered. Schlitt Services offers products for every stage of life, so we felt it was important to show multiple generations in all images. It was also important to lay out the information to be easy to read.

This is designed to inform the residents of John’s Island what the foundation did over the past year. It is strategically delivered just as the residents are returning to their winter homes. This is followed by the annual appeal and report 45 days later.

This tri-fold was designed for the United Way of Indian River County “Workplace Campaign”. It is used as an informative piece on what the UW has done and as a donation solicitation.

The LevelHeaded product is used by people to improve posture. This brochure was mailed, used at tradeshows and in doctors offices.

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